Saturday, March 26, 2011



  1. Hey there,

    saw your ad on craigslist. :)

    I looked through your images. I think this one was an older one that was revised? I like the revision better. The other version didn't look right. I find that to be the case with some digital backgrounds with hand drawn images sometimes. Digital backgrounds (most times I've found) tend to overpower images, but this one is nicely done. I also like the extra arm added - it makes the space on that side feel a little less negative and also adds a bit more for your eye to follow into the piece from that side. I like this piece a lot, but it still seems like there is something slightly missing - not sure if it's that the characters might just be floating in the space and aren't grounded??? O_o Anyway, I like the improvements on this one! :D

  2. i couldn't agree with you more; i feel like that's the case with all the sketches i've tried to digitally color. i'm hoping that it's something that i'll learn with experience, because i can't quite put my finger on it, but definitely seems like something is missing.

    thanks for the feedback!
